
“The Alpha Omega Theatrical Dance Company is a splendid mix of dance styles that balances the tradition of modern dance with the popular and the unusual. They are just starting to come into their own as an ensemble and creating a distinct dance style…They are highly experimental in their own right as dance companies go, but they add a freshness to the tapestry of dance styles moving forward and affirming life, making even the most demanding choreography look and feel fun” – Vice

“The Alpha Omega Theatrical Dance Company turned out a large crowd…the proud commitment and full out dancing by its talented members filled the stage with motion, color and passion. And hey, the crowd goes wild!” – Village Voice

“The company displays a strong sense of unity and group dynamics. Its director has pulled together a group of interesting and varied works.” – The Black American

“The Alpha Omega Theatrical Dance Company painted portraits in movement, the action gained emotional intensity.” – NY Times

“Las Desenamoradas is an ambitious undertaking and a most worthy one. Alpha Omega brought if off with great dramatic strength, proving that at age forty-five, the company has a lot to offer.” – Ballet Review

“The temperature soared in “Pegao”, a tribute to Tito Puente…The entire cast was exciting in the deft rhythmic and physical articulation of its dancing.” – NY Times

“Tango Entre Tu Y Yo was a tangy, citified appetizer… Through Wonder’s Eyes, choreographed by Enrique Cruz DeJesus to a suite of five Stevie Wonder gems, lifted us to our first orgiastic peak… Pegao was no less infectious after intermission, adding a sensual dash of Latin spice to its Tito Puente mix…”
– Charlotte Creative Loafing

“Mr. Pomare has described his piece, Radeau (Raft), as depicting a stormy sea voyage to safety from strife-torn Haiti. The genius of the work…is that its turmoil has no specific reference point…It is an abstract dance, but every move and gesture seethes with the terror and hope of a voyage to a different and perhaps better world.” – NY Times

“Evolution, a work in progress set to Tito Puente’s irresistible rhythms, has delicious fun with a mash-up of styles, including Latino, jazz, and modern. Mr. DeJesus delights in the earthy, sensual pleasures to be found in such simple things as walking, in all its permutations: struts, saunters, shimmies, slides”
– NY Times

“With its image of a leather-G-string-clad biker riding an imaginary motorcycle while angrily staring out at the world, the man of Narcissus Rising seemed to be the embodiment of Black Power as well as a celebration of fetishism and sadomasochism…In Clark’s interpretation, the bold hip undulations as she rode her imaginary bike were more dare of anger and danger…This was a woman proudly reveling in showing that she had the upper hand in all things-on and off the bike.” – Dance Magazine

“…Cruz DeJesus has much to be proud of. He has fashioned, on the groundwork laid by his predecessors, a company of fine, un-egotistical, generous, warm, stylistically unified, well-rehearsed, obviously dedicated dancers. For any dance company to survive thirty-five years is a testament to the artists’ dedication and persistence and the loyalty and support of their audience and patrons, and this night’s audience warm response reflected such approval.” – Attitude Magazine